If you wish to: |
You have come to the right place... |
You may have noticed that you arrived at a very different site.
This is because we - are different!
You may choose to experience private Tantra meetings or arrange with us group experiences based on the Tantra vision.
We conduct our life based on Love and adhering to our set of principles, founded on a broad knowledge base and vast experience.
We see this site as an inseparable part of our spiritual home. A home which makes one's stay warm and cozy and to which it is always good to return. Just as with our physical home, this home's doors are always wide open.
We are sincerely honored by your visit here. We shall be grateful for your feedback concerning the design, contents or any other issue that comes in mind.
You are welcome to browse through these pages, read, enjoy and enrich your knowledge. By all means you are welcome to contact us in any manner, write, talk and of course, come or invite us over and enjoy any of the treatments or services we offer.
From the bottom of hour hearts, beloved, we bless you with the blessing which is so common throughout the far east, |
(I recognize and respect the divine within you). ...for each and every person is a sacred soul, and when we approach a person we step gracefully on sacred grounds. |
We absolutely guarantee that your personal information will never be transferred to any third party and that it will be used only to send you updates as long as you wish to accept them.