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Way of the heart, way of courage. On walls, limits and the celebration of life.

Dear Beloved,

This time, we chose to bring you this quote, which represents one of the very core elements in Tantra, in our way of life and much of what happens with people attending our workshops and sessions.

Osho - The Way of the Heart, Courage - The Joy of Living Dangerously.


The word courage is very interesting. It comes from a Latin root cor, which means "heart".
So to be courageous means to live with the heart.
And weaklings, only weaklings, live with the head; afraid, they create a security of logic around themselves. Fearful, they close every window and door - with theology, concepts, words, theories - and inside those closed doors and windows, they hide.

The way of the heart is the way of courage.
It is to live in insecurity; it is to live in love, and trust; it is to move in the unknown.
It is leaving the past and allowing the future to be.
Courage is to move on dangerous paths. Life is dangerous, and only cowards can avoid the danger - but then, they are already dead.

A person who is alive, really alive, vitally alive, will always move into the unknown. There is danger there, but he will take the risk. The heart is always ready to take the risk, the heart is a gambler. The head is a businessman. The head always calculates - it is cunning. The heart is non-calculating.





Most of us, especially in the modern era, are accustomed to live mainly with the head.
We grew up with the habit of living in the world of false security given by knowing in advance, by the logical, explaining, sorting and tagging mind.
We are facing a new situation and immediately, we rush to interpret it, explain it, categorize it.
We pay no attention, that by this very nature, we frame ourselves, chain ourselves. Actually, we raise walls of unreal defence.
Each time we get hurt, we establish a new wall around our heart,
and every time we imagine we may get hurt, even if it doesn't really happen, we strengthen and thicken the wall.

Walls do not provide real defence

Even if we test as an allegory, walls and fortifications along human history, we will find that there has not been even a single case, where a wall defended those who lived behind it in a total manner.
There is never a wall without a weak point, without some hidden opening or a lose break. The wall limits the mobility and freedom of those hiding behind it and worst of all - it brings them to a state of complacence.
Those people feel protected behind the walls, thus they don't keep on guard, they don't develop their fighting skills, their muscles.

If we test it deeply, people who live behind walls are actually weak.

Man who lives free, outside the walls, lives a life of moving and alertness.
He must always be trained, flexible and swift, stand on-guard, but these are his real strength. Man who lives outside the walls is a mighty person.

This is exactly the case with those emotional walls we build around our heart. They do not provide a real protection. One who surrounds himself with walls, does not gain real protection. One limits oneself and their freedom of mobility.
It may start with a luck of emotional flexibility and may end up with real, physical lack of mobility, because the heart (or rather the head) will not allow one to move and express oneself.

The walls stand in our way of taking risks in life, being total, experiencing the celebration of life to the very extreme.
Hiding behind those walls creates weak people, since they don't bother to be alert and aware.
They suffer from lack in emotional flexibility and are very sensitive and vulnerable, since exactly as with real, physical walls - you will always find a crack, opening, weak point.

Way of the heart, the way of courage - living in insecurity, how astonishing it is, and so few do walk that path. We see it on a daily basis.
People prepare to attend a session: "What exactly is going to be?" "How?" "Why?" "But really what. No,... I mean.... really really exactly what?..."
They have to know everything in advance, as they wouldn't allow surprises.
Moving into the unknown and unfamiliar, allowing yourself to hang around a room full of people blindfolded, feeling self assured that all is well.
It's not simple, we know, but the heart which allows, knows the thrill and joy in daring, experiencing, letting go.

Taking risks in life, allowing ourselves to test the borders with which we live, daring to break and expand them and examine our feelings beyond them,
That!, that is the taste of life! Feeling of freedom and a fearless life.
Going on with the allegory, living within or outside the walls is merely a matter of decision.
That is the initial test of courage we must face. Courage to go beyond our walls into the unknown.

We would like to invite you, dear beloved, to allow yourselves the dangers in the unfamiliar and unknown, this glorious, amazing feeling of freedom of life beyond walls.
To experience the wonderful, colorful celebration of this life, in totality, being in love, daring to break borders and surprising yourselves with devotion to something new and different.








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